She was 35 and lived in Baltimore City. Dr. McFarland is survived by her wife, Elisabeth (Philip) McFarland, LCSW-C, and her brother Ian, mother, Nancy, and father, Andrew of Dansville, New York. She enjoyed running and biking and especially hiking. In recent years, she hiked a significant portion of the Appalachian Trail. Dr. McFarland was also passionate about music. She was an accomplished vocalist who loved singing in Episcopal church choirs in Burlington, Vermont and Baltimore. She was also an avid volunteer for underserved communities.
Dr. McFarland was born and raised in western New York and graduated from Roberts Wesleyan College. After spending a few years as a researcher at the University of Vermont, she joined their School of Medicine. In 2020, she completed her psychiatry residency at the Johns Hopkins School of Medicine and was awarded the Frank L. Coulson, Jr. Award for Clinical Excellence.
At the time of her death, Dr. McFarland served as the Director of Behavioral Health and Psychiatry at the West Cecil Health Clinic in Conowingo, Maryland. She was also an instructor at the Sex and Gender Clinic in the Department of Psychiatry at the Johns Hopkins University.
Dr. McFarland was a mental health advocate for LGBTQI+ populations, researching, lecturing and writing on issues related to care. She planned to join the Hopkins full-time faculty in July as director of an outpatient clinic focused on transgender mental health care.
She was the eldest of ten adoring cousins who looked to her as a role model and mentor and was the niece of Edward and Michele McFarland of Baltimore, Paul and Judit McFarland of Oxford, England, Doug and Kim McFarland of York, New York and Stephen McFarland of Macon, Georgia.
A fund to continue Dr. McFarland’s commitment to LGBTQI+ patients and research has been established at