Deborah "Debbie" Sands, a woman of elegance and grace, passed away on June 13, 2023, at the age of 70. Born on the 12th of November in 1952 in California. Debbie's elegant demeanor and charming personality endeared her to everyone she met. She was known affectionately as Oma and Nana to her grandchildren, who adored her beyond measure.
Debbie spent two decades of her life serving the public relations sector at Guide Dogs of America, where her unwavering dedication and commitment to service left an indelible mark. Her passion for service dogs led her to become a consultant, where she continued to make a difference in the lives of those around her.
Additionally, she was a Docent at the Reagan Presidential Library for 12 years, a member of the Marine Corps League and CAP Marine Association, and a regent for 20 years with the Daughters of the American Revolution. Her devotion to service was a reflection of her compassion and love for humanity.
Beyond her professional life, Debbie was an avid athlete, with a love for golfing and tennis. Her love for the game was evident to all who played alongside her. She was also artistically gifted and was a talented guitar player. She also sang, and toured Europe in 1970 with her high school choir.
Debbie is survived and dearly missed her husband Jim Wagner, step-children Katy Wagner (Adam Ulvi), Kristen Jones (Stacy), Steve Sands (Michelle), and her grandchildren Daniel and Maddy Sands, Darcie, Caitlin, and Andrew Ulvi, Bridget West, and Waylon Jones, and her brother Greg Fiebach.
She was preceded in death by her parents, Jean and Darryl Fiebach.
Her Celebration of Life will be held in Simi Valley, CA, at a date and time to be determined.