Peacefully, in Sunnybrook Hospital, after a long struggle with illness. Predeceased by the love of his life, Joan McDowell. Predeceased by his older brother Ian and brother in law Bob Langmuir. Sadly missed by his sister Nancy Langmuir. Loved and missed by his four children, Susan (William) Macdonald-Kerr, Barbara, Ross & Virginia, and daughter in Law Maria Wiethe. Also his grandchildren, Michael Macdonald, David & Nancy Macdonald-Kerr. Sadly missed by his nieces and nephews and cousins. Fondly remembered, by everyone at York Downs Golf and Country Club, and all of his countless friends (golfing and otherwise). Don spoke of you all often. Many of his dearest friends predeceased him. Many have not. Don has truly been blessed by this wonderful network, and we thank all of you for being there, for him. He is playing golf again, and having a great laugh, and that's what counts. Thank you, Dr. Rick McKenzie, and Debbie, the good doctors' interpreter. Your extraordinary diagnostic skill, coupled with a friendship that Dad treasured, lengthened his life-span beyond any medical professions' paltry prediction(s). Your patience with him (and us) has been a blessing, and allowed Dad to choose his own path. That was always most important to our Dad. Many thanks to Veterans Affairs Canada, for all of your help and support. Heartfelt thanks to the wonderful doctors and staff of Sunnybrook Hospital. Your abilities are un-matched, and your kindness extraordinary. Thank you. He played the game of life and golf with passion and laughter. A celebration of his life will be held at York Downs Golf & Country Club, on August 22, 2014, from 1-4 pm, in the Sports Lounge.