Frank Ivan Matthews, Sr. and Effie Baldwin MatthewsParents (deceased)

Ray MatthewsBrother (deceased)

Jimmy MatthewsBrother (deceased)

Gary MatthewsBrother (deceased)

Charles MatthewsBrother (deceased)

Marjorie Colbey MorrisSister (deceased)

Betty Jean MatthewsWife

Jerry and Kathy MatthewsSon and daughter-in-law

Patricia and Gary KennedyDaughter and son-in-law

Frank Matthews Jr.Brother

Danny MatthewsBrother

Lois RyanSister

Joan KillianSister

Joyce and J.O. ParsonsSister and brother-in-law

Katrina McGinnis and Spouse RobertGrandchild

Brandon Kennedy and spouse LaurenGrandchild

Christopher Kenneedy and spouse Anna CathyGrandchild

Carmen Plemmons and spouse WillGrandchild

Sam and Katelyn McGinnisGreat Grandchild

Zoey and Parker KennedyGreat Grandchild

Briar PlemmonsGreat Grandchild

Plus numerous nieces, nephews, cousins, and other loved ones.


Chris Kennedy

Brandon Kennedy

Robert McGinnis

Will Plemmons

Past Services

Wednesday,November 14, 2018

Funeral Service

Tuesday,November 13, 2018
