Born at home on November 14, 1936, in Garza County, Texas to Montie Jones Huddleston and James H. Huddleston, Dr. Ronald W. Huddleston died December 16, 2012, in the comfort of his home surrounded by his loving family. Memorial services will be held Thursday, December 20th at The Vine Church, 4902 S. 31st Street, Temple, Texas, at 2 in the afternoon. He served the community of Hearne, Texas as a family physician for more than 30 years and retired to Morgan's Point, Texas in 2000. His wife of 55 years, his sister Jerry York and her husband of Wichita, Kansas, his three children, Dr. Kevin Huddleston, Ronda Reely and Sat Purkh Khalsa, their spouses and his six grandchildren, honor and celebrate his life in which he served as a missionary at Chimala Mission Hospital in Tanzania, East Africa, an elder in the Hearne Church of Christ, and a friend and mentor to countless others. Memorials may be made to Neema House at or checks can be made out to Neema House c/o The Vine Church, 4902 S 31St, Temple, Texas 76502.