Nancy Everidge-Congelio, 64 years old, left to be with her Lord on July 25, 2017, knowing she was loved by her family and friends. Nancy is survived by her beloved husband Bill Congelio, with grandson Dakotah Everidge, daughter Stacie Scalise with grandson Giancarlo, son Jared Everidge with granddaughter Marley and grandson Ryland, brother Thomas Brown and wife Diane, niece Kristin Brown Kiley and husband Kevin with grandnieces Kate and Annabel, nephew Shannon Brown with grandnephews Hunter and Maguire, and her extended family who all loved her dearly. She was preceded in death by her parents Buren and Esther Brown. Nancy had an outstanding career in the healthcare profession working with St. Jude Medical for many years as a Technical Service Specialist where she was loved and appreciated by her patients, physicians she worked with and their staff. She was a member of the Gasparilla crew, Les Belles Femme, and loved and cherished her time with all of the women of the crew. Nancy was a member of Temple Terrace Grace Family Church and sang in the choir. Those that knew Nancy were given a special insight into how each day should be lived. She was an inspiration for all of us. We will never forget that captivating smile made perfect by those distinctive dimples. Her love and friendship was unconditional. She lived life to the fullest, dancing, singing, enjoying the beach, fishing, music and kindness to others they will always remind us of her joyful heart and warm open soul. Memorial service will be conducted on Monday, August 7th, 2:00 PM at Blount and Curry, Terrace Oaks Funeral Home, 12690 N. 56th Street, Temple Terrace, Florida 33617. In lieu of flowers if you wish to give, please contribute in Nancy's name, Nancy Everidge-Congelio, to the Tampa Humane Society, Pediatric Cancer foundation or Ovarian Cancer Foundation.