Mina Patel was born on December 3, 1956 and passed away on February 23, 2018 in Tampa, Florida (United States) and is under the care of Blount & Curry Life Event Center.
Funeral Service will be held on February 27, 2018 at 10:30 am at Blount & Curry FH-Macdill Chap , 605 S MACDILL AVE, TAMPA, FL.
Visitation will be held on February 27, 2018 at 11:30 am at Blount & Curry FH-Macdill Chap , 605 S MACDILL AVE, TAMPA, FL.
Cremation will be held on February 27, 2018 at 1:00 pm at Terrace Oaks Crematory , 12690 N 56TH ST, TAMPA, FL.
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