Our Julia went to her eternal life on March 16, 2024, from complications of a chronic illness. Through God’s grace, she was attended to at the last minute in her husband’s arms, being aware she was not alone.
She is gone but her spirit lives in the memories of those who knew her, loved her, and the many people she helped by using her talents.
Julia had eleven years in formation given by the girl of The Academy of the Holy Names. She finished her final two years of upper secondary education at Plant High.
She earned her Bachelor of Fine Arts degree at USF with a concentration in classical Ballet.
Julia was a dancer and began tap stepping at age seven. Julia was no stranger to performing under the TPAC stage lights and eventually joined an entertainment entourage of dancers and musicians to put on stage shows for Caribbean cruise passengers.
Julia was accepted into the University of Florida’s College of Medicine Physician Assistant program in 1995. She practiced Dermatology for 16 years. She gained respect from her patients.
A Tampa native, Julia Jones was in the fifth generation of a Florida pioneer family from Hamilton County, Fl. Interestingly one cousin is retiring from public service as the County Sherrif, undefeated after eight consecutive terms.
Julia is survived by her husband of 25 yrs., Joseph N Philipp (aka Skip), many cousins and relatives in Florida’s Hamilton, Madison and Suwanee counties, Cleveland, Toledo and Newport. Julia is survived by aunts Wanda Beck, and Kathleen Reeves.
Julia was a country girl at heart. During holidays, she wanted to “go on home” to rural north Florida.
Julia had panache. She carried herself with an air of understated elegance. She had a keen passion for performing arts, dance, Broadway and live music.Julia was a voracious reader of historical biographies. She was loved by many, and was sweet, kind, and innocent.
Julia was quick to forgive.
She had a tremendous sense of humor and could entertain all within hearing distance; however, nobody wanted to be on the receiving end of her witty and sharp tongue.
Julia was a parishioner of Christ the King, and without hesitation volunteered with a group of other medical professionals for a dental mission to Sainte-Suzanne, Haiti to work with the poor. The patients she encountered were dignified without realizing they were impoverished. She always had a place in her heart for these poor souls.
Julia Jones 1965-2024
Requiescat In Pace
Saturday April 6th, 2024
Funeral Mass at Christ the King 12:00 Noon
821 S Dale Mabry Hwy Tampa 33629
Followed by the Rite of Christian Burial at graveside
Guests who do not go to Burial proceed to Palma Ceia
Celebration Party at Palma Ceia Golf & Country Club 1:30-5:30
1601 S Macdill Avenue 33629