AVEDIKIAN, Arpine 82, went to her eternal rest in Christ Jesus October 9, 2016. She was co-owner of Antranik's Bakery and "Master Pastry Chef" with the "Delightfully Infectious Smile" in Temple Terrace for 35 years. She is survived by her loving Son, Asbed; sister, Isgouhi, and many other relatives and friends. In lieu of flowers, please feel free to make donations toward research for curing Alzheimer's to USF Health Byrd Alzheimer's Institute, 4001 E. Fletcher Avenue, Tampa, FL 33613 or to http://health.usf.edu/byrd/partner. Visitation will take place Monday, 10/17/2016 from 9:30am-10:15am at Garden of Memories Funeral Home. The Funeral service will be same day at 10:15am at the Funeral Home followed by Burial Service at Myrtle Hill Memorial Park.