Our loving Ariana Alicia Garcia of Spring Hill, FL; passed away from a fatal car accident on December 25th 2013. She was born on December 31, 1990 in Oakland, CA to Raoul and Diana Garcia. Ariana graduated from Springstead High School in 2009. Ari is survived by her sisters and brothers; Yelena, Tiana, Alicia, Yamila, Raoul William, Gertrudis, Idalia, Amber, and Fernando. She will also be missed by Migdalia Garcia, her stepmother and Michael Vowell, the Love of Her Life. Additionally she has in-laws and numerous friends that love and will miss her delightful spirit, kind heart, openess, and strength. Ariana, our hearts ache at Losing you so soon. We Miss You, We Love You. We hope that one day we will all be together again, having fun on another crazy Garcia Cruise. Services will be at Gonzalez Funeral Home 7pm to 10pm on Sat. Dec. 28th and 11am on Sunday December 29th. Please sign the online guestbook at www.gonzalezfuneral.com