Louis Richard Brazier also referred to as “Chachou” by his beloved family and friends was born on November 21st, 1957 in a beautiful town called Cayes, Haiti. Richard attended elementary school at the Frere in Cayes, Haiti, the same school his wife Marie’s older brother attended. His parents later migrated from Cayes to Port-au-Prince where he attended College Bird High School. After graduating high school he went on to engineering school in Canado in Port-au-Prince where he later graduated. He worked for some years and then later relocated to the United States where he attended Brooklyn College in Brooklyn, New York. He later married his high school sweetheart Marie on July 11th, 1987. He was the proud father of Elizabeth and Samantha, the two highlights of his life, the lights of his eye. Richard took pride in his two girls and instilled in his two daughters resiliency, respect and the power of a good education. He loved music, laughter and traveling with his friends and family.
He is so fondly remembered by all the ones he touched and loved the most. Whether it was a funny joke or a story he told you from his past he was always laughing and smiling. His love for music was unmatched, many of his family will tell you about many of his favorite Haitian bands and how he would listen to music all day around the clock, music brought him the most peace. He loved to sing his favorite songs and he loved to dance. He loved cars more than anything, one would tell you he had multiple cars at once, and these were his prized possessions other than his family. Richard could be described as the life of the party, he knew so many people and created hundreds of beautiful memories with you all. He loved his wife dearly, they were a beautiful pair who complimented each other beautifully, a love that was timeless. When we think of him we think of our beautiful husband, father, brother, uncle, nephew and son. He created so many powerful memories that we will all cherish for the rest our lives. He showed strength and love right up until his last days with us.
He is survived and remembered by his wife Marie, his daughters Elizabeth and Samantha Brazier, his brother Ronald Brazier, his sisters Marjorie and Manoushka Brazier. His sister-in-law Fernande Coty, his brother-in-law Peirre Armande Doricent, his uncles George St Firmin and Claude St Firmin, his aunts Joseline and Lucienne, his mother-in-law Florence and his many cousin’s: Rachelle, Betty, Yanick, Betina, Gregory and Junior, his nephews, nieces and dearest friends. He may no longer be here in the flesh but remember he is forever and always in our hearts guiding us every step of the way.
Jesus, I feel such absence, please be present. I feel such loss, please be here. I feel such sadness, please be my sanctuary. I feel such pain, please be with me. I feel such confusion, please be truth.
I feel such anger, please be peace. I feel such hopelessness, please be promise. I feel such emptiness, please be near. Jesus, I feel such loneliness, please be beside me. I feel such heartache, please be close. I feel such doubt, please be faithfulness. I feel such guilt, please lead me home.
The loss has consumed me. I come as I am. Please be my everything. I just take your hand.