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Rhenelda Sylliboy (Athanasius)Sister

Joe Jeddore (Carol Ann)Brother

John Jeddore (Georgina)Brother

Skyler Jeddore (Jessie)Special Nephew

KalolinSpecial Great Niece

Gabriel MarshallGodfather

PeteSpecial Brother

MandySpecial Brother

AlSpecial Brother

Kiwi, Leo & TwitchSpecial Dogs

Sharona, Auriel, Blaine, Deanne & RhendaGod Children

IsabelFairy Godchild

EmmaSpecial Godchild of a Godchild

Francine Denny & Charisma DennyBFFs

John and Catherine (Marshall) JeddoreParents (deceased)

Martha MatthewsGodmother (deceased)

Mary Ann (Denny) Jeddore and John & Martha (MacDonald) MarshallGrandparents (deceased)

Chief Noel JeddoreGreat-Grandfather (deceased)

SplinterSpecial Dog (deceased)

Past Services

Monday,June 05, 2023

Funeral Service