Christine Gomez, beloved mother, grandmother, sister, niece, and friend peacefully went to meet our Heavenly Father on Saturday, January 6, 2024. She joins her grandmother Vera, grandfather Charles, nephew Gabriel, and other family. She is survived by her three daughters and son-in-law (Sofia, Sylvia, Synthia, and Damian), four grandchildren (Lauren, Isabella, Joseph, and Olivia), sister and brother-in-law (Stephanie and Michael), nephew (Gilbert), niece (Savannah), and large extended family.
For those who knew her, Christine was a strong, funny, warm, creative, resilient, loyal, tenacious, vibrant, and beautiful woman. She raised her daughters to be confident, ambitious, curious, and caring adults who know the value and purpose of finding and fostering community. They are devastated to lose their mother, but also recognize how lucky they are to have had as much time with her as they had. Each of their children were able to know, love, grow, and create memories with her and that’s a gift that fills them with endless gratitude and joy.
In lieu of flowers, her daughters are humbly asking for donations to settle her final affairs with dignity. For more information please visit: More than anything, Christine and the girls would want to say, tell the people you love how you feel, and often – it will always be worth it.