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Rosalie MassieWife

Ann Massie Cole and husband, DavidDaughter

Sherry Massie Schofield and husband, WayneDaughter

Howard A. Massie and wife, LuluSon

Susie Massie Stewart and husband, EdwardDaughter

Louis David Massie and wife, AnnBrother

Denise Rehm and husband, GannonGranddaughter

Cherie Naquin and husband, JeremyGranddaughter

Bryan Birtman and wife, AmyGrandson

Nicholas SchofieldGrandson

David SchofieldGrandson

Kyle Massie and wife, BrookeGrandson

Brett Massie and wife, CassidyGrandson

Beau Massie and wife, AshleyGrandson

Krissy Morris and husband, MattGranddaughter

Clint Stewart and wife, AmyGrandson

Eleven Great-grandchildrenGreat-grandchildren

Joan Reich MassieFirst wife (deceased)

Howard Taft Massie Sr.Father (deceased)

Audrey Lott MassieMother (deceased)

Billie Faye McClurgSister

Mr. Massie also leaves behind his beloved German Shepherd, "Max". He was also preceded in death by a German Shepherd that he adored, "Miss Ellie"


Kyle MassiePallbearer

Brett MassiePallbearer

Beau MassiePallbearer

Clint StewartPallbearer

Matt MorrisPallbearer

Nick SchofieldPallbearer

Luke MartinHonorary Pallbearer

Past Services

Tuesday,June 18, 2019


Wednesday,June 19, 2019


Wednesday,June 19, 2019

Funeral Service