Audrey Smith-Whitaker, passed away on September 12, 2013 after a full and rewarding life. Audrey was born in Chicago, Illinois to the late Erron and Anita (Tartt) Smith. She received her early education in the Chicago, Il public schools, graduating from Englewood High School in 1970. She went on to graduate from Wellesley College in 1974. Then received her M.Ed. in secondary education and counseling from the University of Maine at Orono in 1978 and participated in a Teacher Corps project there. Later she was Corporate Contributions Manager for Digital Equipment Corporation, Director of Administration for The Efficacy Institute, Director of Admission and Financial Aid Services for the National Association of Independent Schools, Program Recruiter for the Radcliffe Seminars Discovery Program in Management, a program for displaced homemakers. Audrey was also Associate Director of Admissions for Wellesley College and a counselor at the F.A. Day Middle School in Newton MA. She had an exciting and broad career and was a volunteer for the Black Achievers Association, the Red Cross, METCO (an organization which buses Boston-area inner-city students to suburban schools) and the Patriot's Trail Girl Scout Council. Audrey was a member of the Middlesex County Chapter of Links, Inc. and the Newton, MA Chapter of Jack and Jill. In Audrey’s own words:
“I’ve lived a full, deep, and interesting life. I’ve loved and been loved deeply. I’ve done some things to help both. I’ve been of service to others, and enjoyed working with others in service efforts. I’ve valued and loved my daughter, husband, and family and colleagues. Professionally, I felt strongly my extension of the Digital Faculty Scholars program to a number of HCBU’s… In terms of civic contribution, I was extremely proud of my work via the Middlesex County Chapter of Links, Inc., and our focus on Women’s health in Haiti…”
Audrey leaves to cherish her memory, her husband H. Edward Whitaker, Jr. of Framingham, MA and daughter Nubia S. Whitaker of Brookline, MA. She was the dear sister of Erron L. Smith Jr. of Urbana, IL, Jacqueline Thomas of Waterloo, IA, Sandra Smith of Chicago, IL, Ann Miller of Colton CA, and Leroy Tartt of Detroit, MI.
She was the cherished niece of Viola Jones of Detroit, MI, Lila Jean Tartt of Detroit, MI, Eartha B. Tartt of Syracuse, NY, Mildred Smith of Chicago, IL, Naomi Ford of Phoenix, IL, and Florene Curtis of Knoxville, TN.
She is also survived by many beloved nieces, nephews, cousins, other family and many kind and dedicated friends.