On November 7, at the age of 64, Judy Grant passed away peacefully after a long, courageous battle with cancer. Over the preceding weeks she was surrounded by family, friends and loved ones. A devoted wife, mother and grandmother, Judy lived a life centered on family togetherness. She cherished the stories and mementos from the many life experiences they enjoyed together, and leaves behind a lifetime of colourful memories.
Judy leaves to mourn her husband Melvin of 45 years, daughter Carmen (Ian) and her beloved grandchildren Hannah, Harper and Callum, son Jason, mother Helen, sister Kathy and brother David (Laverne).
Judy was predeceased by her father (Russell) and brother (Donald).
At Judy’s request, there will be no funeral, but we ask that you remember Judy in your own special way, and take an extra moment to create a new memory surrounded by family and friends. The family would like to thank the Doctors and the many nurses, technicians and caregivers who supported Judy throughout her journey.
In lieu of flowers, donations may be sent to support the Cross Cancer Institute in Edmonton, Alberta or to help the compassionate volunteers of the Light up Your Life Society in Stony Plain, Alberta.