December 5, 1931 – December 5, 2020
Mary Nunez, 89, passed away peacefully on December 5, 2020 in Stockton, CA. She was born December 5, 1931 in French Camp, CA to her parents Joseph and Clotilde (Macias) Ramirez. She is preceded in death by her husband, Lawrence Nunez. Before that union, she was married to Edmond H. Gonzales, who is also deceased. In addition to her parents she is preceded in death by her brothers Peter, Albert, William and Manuel Ramirez and her sister, Isabel Flores. She is survived by her sisters Carmen Imperial of Stockton and Dolores Hernandez of Lathrop, CA. She is also survived by her four children, Stephanie Nunez, Eddie Gonzales, Sandra Ramirez and June Gonzales. In addition, she is surived by grandchildren Brandon DeAvila, Mondo DeHoyos, Melissa DeHoyos, David Gonzales, Eddie Gonzales, Jr., Alejandro Gonzales, Chelsea Martin, Chanel Martin, Carmello Martin, Jayden Martin and recently deceased grandson, Charles B. Frazier, III. Mary also leaves behind “many” great grandchildren as well as many nieces and nephews.
Mary was a lifelong resident of Stockton and attended Edison High School. Mary was employed by BP Chemicals for 24 years. She was an avid reader and enjoyed watching westerns. During football season, you could not keep her from watching her Raiders. She was an ardent and loyal fan. She also actively raised and took care of her many grandchildren and great grandchildren. In her last few weeks of life, she took much delight in playing with and talking about her great granddaughter, Charleigh, daughter of her late grandson, CJ.
Thank you to Hospice of San Joaquin for their diligent care of mom. Also, “thank you” to her neighbors, the Lea Family (Keith, Diana, Destiny) for their constant companionship and conversation with her each morning for the last 7 years. Many thanks to all friends and relatives who have called and texted to send their love, prayers and condolences. Your love and prayers have carried our family through this difficult time.