Chuan Teng was born in China, later moved to Taiwan, and came to the U.S.A. in 1960. He
received a master's degree from Ohio University, and he worked at Ernst and Young and then
Bristol Myer Squibb until retirement in 1994.
At the age of 8, Teng's interest in Chinese calligraphy was inspired by his father who was an
accomplished poet and calligrapher. Throughout his elementary and high school years, he won
many top prizes in calligraphy competitions. In a major calligraphy competition while studying in
Soochow University (Taipei), he was awarded triple first prizes in three calligraphy categories:
the standard script, cursive script, and running script traditions.
While serving in American industries, Teng still took time to practice calligraphy art at least one
to two hours per day. He was often invited to demonstrate his art before live audiences at
cultural events of many organizations, such as Time Magazine, Ellis Island National Museum of
Immigration, New York Chinese Scholar's Garden, the United Nations, Staten Island Chinese
School, Evergreen Club of Staten Island, and Chinese Christian Church. He served on the
panel of judges in a New Jersey Chinese School Association calligraphy competition. His
calligraphy work was selected in the 2014 New York International Chinese Calligraphy
Exhibition. Most recently, Chuan was among eight other senior artists to showcase art work in
an exhibit titled “80 plus and GOING STRONG” sponsored by the Rainforest Art Foundation in
In addition to his love for calligraphy he also enjoyed spending time with his wife, Jen Jen, they
were avid travelers and took many trips around the world. He loved spending time with friends
and family. He especially loved his grandchildren and enjoyed watching them grow up, whether
it be on the baseball field or in the horse show ring. He was always there to support them.
He is survived by his wife, Jen Jen Liu , his children Michael Teng, Michelle and Marc
Cosentino, and his grandchildren Alexander and Lily Cosentino. He is predeceased by his late
wife Charlene Chin.
A memorial service for 鄧銓 will be held Saturday, June 22, 2024 from 10:00 AM to 12:00 PM at Casey Funeral Home, 350 Slosson Ave, Staten Island, NY 10314, followed by a memorial service from 2:00 PM to 4:00 PM.