Beloved wife of the late Albert “Al” Matusofsky, mother and mother in law of Marilyn (Mike) Kugman, Janet (Wally) Canis, the late Mindy (Harry) Diament, and Don (Nancy) Matusofsky, dear grandmother of Lori Kugman (Justin Eaton), Corey Canis, David Kugman (Farrah), Robin Moll (AJ), Michelle Diament (Shaun Heasley), Steve Diament, Dr. Joel Diament (Dr. Karen Wong), Alison Matusofsky, and Andrew Matusofsky; great grandmother of Noah and Michaella Moll, Ari and Mira Diament Heasley, Benjamin Diament and Vera Kugman; dear sister and sister in law of the late Ruth (L. Sam) Finn, the late Esther (L. Simon) Muchnick, the late Irv Figus, the late Lester (L. Pearl) Figus, the late Martin (Norma) Figus, the late Sylvia (L. Dave) Kottle, the late Helen (L. Sam) Wool, the late Isabelle (L. Mickey) Kravitz; dear aunt, cousin and friend.
Family is what made her the happiest.
Visitation Wednesday, December 21 at 9:30 am followed by the service at 10:00 a.m. at Berger Memorial Chapel, 9430 Olive Blvd, St. Louis, MO 63132. The interment will be private. See below for link to Live Stream of service.
Memorial contributions preferred to the ALS Association.