In Brossard on the 17th of December 2024, at the age of 80, Mr. Gerald A Archambault, passed away peacefully at home. He will be mourned by his two daughters, Kimberly (Vincent) and Cynthia (David) along with his grandchildren Myles, Cassidy and Justine and his great grandchildren. He will be missed greatly by his family and friends.
The family wishes to thank the staff of the Jazz Brossard residence for the many services they provided for Mr. Gerald Archambault while he was under their care.
The family will accept your condolences on Friday Jan 10th from 6pm to 9pm at the Collins Clarke MacGillivray White Funeral Home, 307 Riverside, Saint-Lambert QC J4P1A7
Instead of sending flowers, we would like to suggest that you make a donation to The Huntington Society of Quebec.