Marian was born in Nokomis, Illinois, to Otto and Anna Kanke in May of 1922. After her father died from an accident in 1929 she moved to Springfield where she attended Trinity Lutheran Grade School, Springfield High School and Brown’s Business College. Marian married Arthur Brockschmidt in 1943. They were blessed with three children, Arthur Jr., William, and Alice.
Marian worked for the Selective Service System, Lutheran Child and Family Services, and as secretary to the President of the Central Illinois District of the Lutheran Church, Missouri Synod.
Marian was preceded in death by her husband, parents, sisters, Ellen Koehler, Ruth Neitzel, Annamae Zschau, and daughter Alice Ullman (Donald). She is survived by her sons, Art Jr. (Edna Elaine) of Renton, WA. and Bill(Joanne) of Springfield, son-in-law Donald Ullman of Minneapolis, MN, five grandchildren, Aaron Brockschmidt, Kevin(Tammy) and Kraig(Kristi) Brockschmidt , Dr. Mary Ullman-Emmerich(Jim) and Dr. Martha Riley(Adam), 5 great grandchildren, several nieces, nephews and ‘adopted grandson’ Paul Keup and ‘adopted daughter/niece’ Carol McCombs.
Marian is best known as co-founder of Q.U.I.LT.S (Quilters United in Learning, Teaching and Service) and longtime entrant in Textiles at the Illinois State Fair. Both of these entities have honored her by presenting "The Marian Brockschmidt Award” each year. In addition she was president of the Springfield Doll Club and First Aid and Safety Instructor for the American Red Cross. At Trinity Lutheran Church she was a longtime Sunday School teacher and pianist, Cub Scout Den Mother, Girl Scout troop leader, choir member and soloist, member of the Ladies Aid Society, Willing Workers, Lutheran World Relief and LWML. She was an inspiration to many with her humble devotion to excellence in crafts and her unashamed Christian faith.
Her Uncle Bill in Nokomis was a friend of St. Louis Cardinal great “Sunny Jim” Bottomley from whom she developed an intense and long-lived love of Cardinal Baseball.
Most of all she was a inspirational, understanding, prayerful and compassionate mother, grandmother, sister, aunt, and friend to all who knew her and her love and joy of the knowledge of her Savior Jesus Christ, the respect for her Creator, and her full measure of the Holy Spirit.
The family of Marian Brockschmidt will host a memorial gathering and viewing of Marian's award winning quilts on Saturday, May 14, 2022 from 10:00 am until the time of a memorial service at 11:00 am in the Parish Hall of Trinity Lutheran School 515 S. MacArthur Blvd Springfield, IL. Marian's family and Pastor Paul Hemenway will officiate.
Please visit the online “Life Remembered Story” at where tributes and condolences may be left for the family.
Arrangements are in the care of Bisch and Son Funeral Home 217-544-5424
Otto KankeFather
Anna Droste BrockschmidtMother
Arthur Edward BrockschmidtHusband
Arthur (wife Elaine) BrockschmidtSon
William "Bill" (Joanne) BrockschmidtSon
Alice Ullman (Donald)Daughter
Trinity Lutheran Church Organ Fund220 S. Second St., Springfield, Illinois 62701