John Joseph Workman, 57, of Auburn, formerly of New Berlin, passed away Tuesday, October 28, 2014 at his home. He was born August 1, 1957, in Springfield, to John William and Karen Spaulding Workman. John was preceded in death by his wife, Elizabeth Ann Kinser, and father, John W. �Bill� Workman. Mr. Workman was a farmer in Sangamon County and also worked for Brandt Fertilizer for many years. He will be greatly missed by his sons, Stephen Workman of New Berlin, Andrew (wife, Nicole) Workman of Chatham; Mother, Karen workman of New Berlin; Brothers, Michael (wife Diane) Workman of New Berlin and Brian �Dale� (wife, Cindy) Workman of Springfield; Companion, Debbie Atterberry and her daughter, Cindy Atterberry of Auburn; one aunt, Mary Anne Workman Dehart of Springfield; several nieces, nephews and cousins. Cremation rites will be accorded by Cremation Services of Central Illinois, Chatham before services. A celebration of John�s life will be held from 1-4pm, Sunday November 2 at Timberlodge, Sangamon County Fairgrounds in New Berlin. Memorials may be made to the American Heart Association Midwest Affiliate, 3816 Paysphere Circle, Chicago, Illinois 60674. The Workman family is being served by Staab Polk Memorial Home, 8855 State Route 4, Chatham, IL 62629.