Miller was born to Nathaniel Scott Elliott and Bailey Lea Ann Merchant Elliott, on September 20, 2019 in Spokane, WA.
From the day Miller entered this world, life was a party. He was welcomed into a room full of people that loved him, and every day thereafter he wanted to spend time with the people he loved. Miller never met a stranger and we are all better for knowing him. To be known by Miller was to be loved by Miller.
In his 1,342 days on this earth, Miller changed our world and all of us in a way only Miller could.
Each morning the Elliott home was awakened by Miller’s face pressed up against his bedroom door, exclaiming in his sing-song voice ‘Mommy, It’s daytime! Sun is up! It’s time to play!’ He couldn't wait to start the party that was his daily life. He was the proud leader of “The Elliott Boys” and taught his best buddies, Nash and Rivvy, exactly what it meant to be a brother. Their bond is one that death cannot break.
Miller’s mission in life was to make people laugh. He loved to tell jokes and practiced them often. He always tried to invent jokes, asking “does that make sense?” (They never did.) He taught his brother Nash his jokes as well and loved to make River laugh. As the first Elliott grandbaby, Miller was the star of the show, the author of love and light, the keeper of our hearts. If a camera was on, it wasn’t just a smile he’d share, he had to pose and dance around and always reveled in the accolades that so quickly came to all he accomplished, and even what he didn’t quite master.
Few things in life were more important to Miller than music. His love for music knew no genre. He loved to discover new songs and always asked if we could “add it to his playlist.” Remixes were a particular love of Miller’s and he loved to name the songs based on how they sounded (like a Robot version). He didn’t just sing songs he loved, he screamed them at the top of his lungs. He could rock out like no other toddler and loved to clap on beat. His angelic voice and gift for creating tunes and songs and memorizing lyrics were evident since before he could walk.
Miller wasn't an average child. He loved bigger and harder than any being that ever lived and the chance to feel that magnitude of love was like holding sunshine in your hand. Miller couldn't wait to learn your name and then use it. He was particularly interested in learning everyone’s ‘end name.’
He loved his daily trips to the gas station with his dad to get a soda and a Cow Tail. And his Mom made every day a party with activities like coloring pictures for his friends, playing with squishy sand, cooking (he called it “making” and loved making different color versions of “Crispy Treats”), and playing with his countless friends (he always asked his Mom if his friends were “available.”). He loved ladybugs and hated bees. And always wanted to be pushed on the swing. Bored was not in Miller’s vocabulary.
Miller had many nicknames like Squish, Sandwich, Captain Sandwich, Chungus, and Mill. He also loved “tending” to be superheroes or Diego and would always correct you if you called him the wrong name while he was in character.
Miller’s default was that everyone was a friend. He never said bad things about anyone. He just loved and found the good. Looking into his big brown eyes felt like being known.
Miller loved to help everywhere he went. He loved the colors orange and blue and his Grammy taught him to love flowers, especially Marigolds.
We will never forget Miller’s excitement and zest for life and living every day to the fullest degree possible. We will forever cherish the imprint that Miller’s spirit left on the hearts of all who were blessed enough to know our darling, kind, enthusiastic, funny boy.
While Miller’s time on this earth was far too short, the lessons he taught us and the love that he showed us will remain with us forever.
Miller was welcomed into heaven by many dear relatives, including:
Steve Merchant (Grandpa)
James Downs (Great Papa)
Valerie Downs (Great Nana)
Sue Elliott (Great Grandma)
Ron Elliott (Great Grandpa)
Lee Downs (Great Great Gramps)
Mary Downs (Great Great Grandma)
Dianne Perrins (Great Great Grandma)
Eli Downs (Great uncle)
Jeff Mears (Great uncle)