He was born in Freeman, SD on April 1, 1986. Joshua received his A&P, Airframe and Power Plant License and Associate of Science degree from Big Bend Community College in Moses Lake, WA in 2004.
Joshua entered the US Army in 2005 and served six years as an Apache Helicopter Crew Chief Mechanic. He served tours of duty in Iraq and Afghanistan and was awarded many service medals. He was currently employed as a helicopter mechanic with Metro Aviation as the base mechanic for MedStar in Pullman, WA.
Joshua was single and had a passion for mechanics, airplanes, helicopters, tools, cars, hunting, fishing, video games, and karaoke.
He is survived by his mother, Carla M Reed, Liberty Lake, WA and his father, Robert E Reed, Sterling, CO and their children, spouses, nieces, nephews.
His grandmother, Ida Mae Chance, Neligh, NE.
He was preceded in death by his grandfather, William Chance and Grandparents, Chuck and Eloise Reed.
He is also survived by:
His oldest brother, Steven Todd Reed and wife, Stacie of Garretson, SD and their four sons: Jordan, Sawyer, Noah, and Eli and their daughter, Quincie and husband, TyRell, and their two sons, James and Tiberius, and Steven’s honorary children, Jasmyn Lang and Jordan Jensen.
His sister, Anne Michelle Reed Wagner and husband, Daniel of Losantville, IN and their children: Luke, Hannah, Ethan, Joseph, Titus, Silas, and Eliana.
And his brother, Scott Adam Reed, and wife, Evi of Moses Lake, and their children, Harmony, Addison, Clara and Ava.
He gained two additional siblings, with Carly Reed and Matthew Reed, children of Robert Reed and Mary Reed. They reside in Rapid City, SD.
His 15 nieces and nephews and 2 grand-nephews reside in SD and IN.
Memorial cards and gifts may be sent to Carla Reed & Family, 21200 E Country Vista Dr. Apt L-104, Liberty Lake, WA 99019.