Jessie was born Feb. 13, 1921, in Lynch, Kentucky, daughter of Martha Powell Massey and James Monroe Massey. She graduated from Cumberland High School at the top of her class and was inducted into the National Honor Society and elected to the Homecoming Court.
Jessie worked as a manager of a local ice cream parlor while in high school, and after graduation she moved to Washington, DC in 1941 seeking a position in the Federal Government. After passing the Civil Service Examination, she accepted a position at the War Department on Constitution Avenue. Her department soon moved to the newly constructed Pentagon. She was promoted several times, eventually to an Administrator/Supervisor position. Subsequently, Jessie’s mother, sister June, and brother, Julius, joined her in Washington. Her brother, Gordon, also relocated there following his retirement.
While working at the Pentagon, Jessie was selected to be a Hostess at the USO Club. It was there that she met Frank Collins McLean, Jr., who was attending the University of Maryland and serving in the Army. They were married Feb 12, 1944, in Blacksburg, Virginia, and remained together for 54 years until Frank’s death in 1998.
Frank’s career as an engineer would lead them to settle in Silver Spring, Maryland, where they raised their four daughters. Jessie became involved in community activities, serving as a Girl Scout leader and Neighborhood Chairperson for the Hillandale/White Oak area. She coordinated numerous Girl Scout activities, accompanying the scouts on many field trips and overnight campouts. She took meticulous care of her home, and her yard and flowers were admired by many.
From an early age, Jessie attended church regularly and was devoted to serving the Lord. Her strong faith was a guiding principle in her life. She enjoyed reading the Bible and listening to Gospel music, and spent time each day in prayer. Frank and Jessie were early members of the First Assembly of God Church, where they both assumed leadership roles. Jessie served as church hostess, wedding coordinator, Sunday School Teacher, and served on many committees of the church. As a master gardener and accomplished decorator, she used her talents to beautify the church interior and grounds. Her sense of style and attention to detail gained the respect and admiration of her church family.
Jessie took great pride in raising her daughters. She was a devoted mother who provided a secure home environment for her girls, supported their school activities, and always ensured that they had fancy dresses and stylish clothes to wear. She and Frank enjoyed preparing special dinners after church on Sundays. Jessie also enjoyed picnics, beach trips, vacations, and various other outings with her husband and girls, as well as with her extended family. It was in the McLean home where relatives enjoyed many holiday meals and gatherings.
Although small in stature, Jessie was strong, tenacious, and diligent in everything she did. She provided a loving home for her mother for most of her married life, and she cared for her husband who suffered from Alzheimer’s disease through the last years of his life. Among her life’s richest joys were the births of her five grandchildren and five great-grandchildren. Jessie leaves behind a legacy of spiritual strength, faithfulness to God, enduring love, and a lifetime of memories for her family to cherish.
Jessie was pre-deceased by her husband, sister, and two brothers. She is survived by her daughters: Marie McLean, Brenda McLean Taylor (Steve), Janice McLean Iddins (Kerry), and Frances McLean; Grandchildren: Joanna Iddins Frick (Jason), Jessica Iddins Tower (Jamie), Michelle Intlekofer Gardner (Jason), Jordan Robert Iddins, and Travis Collins Moore; Great-Grandchildren: Jared Tower, Jackson Tower, Cameron Gardner, Hunter Gardner, and Brady Gardner. She is also survived by several nieces and nephews.