Robyn Wallace Foster passed away in Shreveport, La on Wednesday February 13, 2019 following a tragic house fire, while attempting to save her beloved animals. Robyn was born on February 4, 1987. She lived in Keithville, La at the time of her death.
Robyn found the love of her life, Kris, at a young age. In 2009, she married her best friend and soulmate. She started her career in 2008 at Community Bank of Louisiana. She worked her way up from Teller to Loan Processor/Executive Assistant. She was very passionate about her work, and the people she worked with. Robyn deeply loved her family and friends, especially her nieces. She was a wonderful woman that was loved, she will be deeply missed, and always be cherished.
Robyn was preceded in death by her mother, Tracy Wallace and her maternal grandparents, Malcolm and Carole Wallace. Robyn is survived by her husband, Kris; her brother, Joseph Wallace and wife Falyn; their children, Bella and Mya Wallace; her aunts, Kelley Bagley and husband Gene, Melissa Hebert and husband Lewis, Angela Upton and husband Richard, and Jessica Wallace; cousins, Corey, Courtney, Morgan, and Gracie; her father and mother in-laws, Andy and Gayla Foster; sister-in-law, Sarah Foster; niece, Bradleigh Touchton; grandparent in-laws, Troy and Evelyn Myers and Sarah Jane Foster; and numerous other relatives.
Funeral services will be held at Centuries Memorial Funeral Home. Visitation will be held Sunday, February 17th at 2pm, followed by services at 3. In lieu of flowers, we ask for donations made to the Robyn Foster Tragedy Account at Community Bank of Louisiana.
Robyn’s family would like to express their heartfelt gratitude to the doctors, nurses and staff of the MICU and Burn Unit of LSU hospital.