Shirley Lee (née Welch), beloved wife of Marion Reid Post. Loving mother of Rick (Stephanie) Post of Butler, PA and Cindy (Bret) Sims of Loveland, OH. Cherished grandmother of Casey (Ryan) Skeldon, Caleb Grose, Kelley Grose, Nichole (James) Jaeger, Michael Post, Nicole Reckner, and Jacob Reckner. Great-grandmother of Whitney and Meredith Skeldon, and Ryder Post. Shirley passed away Wednesday, November 30, 2016 at age 83. Family and friends may visit Saturday, December 3, 2016 from 8:30-10:15 A.M. at Sharonville United Methodist Church, 3751 Creek Rd., Sharonville, OH 45241, where the funeral service will follow at 10:30 A.M.. Burial at Rest Haven Memorial Park. Memorials may be made to Crossroads Hospice Care. Online condolences may be made at