Carol "Granny" Lee Foster (Mekeel), a devoted Jehovah’s Witness, passed away at the age of 83, on April 1, 2021. Carol was a beloved mother to three children; Deborah Brown, Sandra Radcliff and Richard Foster, all of Pinellas Park, Florida.
Carol was a loving Granny not only to her three grandchildren; Heather Brown, Jennifer Sanders (Radcliff), and Jacob Radcliff, and five great-grandchildren; Jamar Brown, Remy Sanders, Fiona Sanders, Jackson Sanders, and Emma Radcliff, but also to countless other friends whose lives she so dearly touched.
Carol was predeceased by both of her parents, George and Erma Mekeel (Minturn), as well as her siblings; Elizabeth "Betty" Komarisky, Jeanne Heath, Robert Mekeel, and Linda Foxbower; and her daughter Deborah "Debbie" Brown. She was a cherished aunt and cousin to her many extended family members spanning multiple generations.
She was born and raised in Auburn, New York, and moved to Florida in her early twenties. Carol had many occupations during her lifetime, and would often reminisce fondly about the friends she made and the good times she had along the way. She enjoyed working as a screenprinter for a local T-shirt company in her earlier years, which led her on annual adventures to Sebring International Raceway where she served her famous lasagna dinners to their crew. Later in life, Carol became a homemaker where she became lifelong friends with many of her clients.
Carol is not only survived by her family, but by the numerous friends she considered family. She touched the lives of so many people with her sweet and selfless personality, her delicious food, and her love for and faith in Jehovah God.
A gathering of family and friends will be held virtually on Saturday, May 15, 2021, at 3 PM via Zoom. Zoom Meeting ID: 881-0009-0852; Passcode: 727123