Ron was born in Seattle WA October 11, 1929. At age 10 he sold papers and magazines door to door. By the time he was 12 he went to work at the XXX on 85th and Aurora peeling potatoes, making hamburgers patties and other odd jobs.
Ron attended Lincoln High school. He spent leisure time ice skating at Civic Ice Arena where he made lifelong friends in John, Tom, Warren and Gene.
After high school, Ron started work for Seattle First National Bank as a messenger. He worked his way up by taking classes in banking as UW, ultimately was Vice President and Cashier of Northshore First National Bank in Bothell. In his 50’s Ron switched careers and went into Real Estate where he enjoyed meeting people.
Ron had a beautiful tenor voice and spent many years singing in the choir at University Congregation Church. One time Hands Wolfe, The Chorus Director of the Seattle Opera was auditioning voices for his auxiliary chorus and asked Ron to join in. He got to sing in the Aido and Ring Cycle operas. That was a thrill for him.
How we met: My best friend Sherill and I went to the Ball and PTA dance at the field house. It seemed all the “cool kids” were at a picnic so the only ones where were the DJ and a chaperone and us two. Ron and his friend Gene weren’t students but “crashed” the dance. Ron chose the “tall one with the long hair” and the rest is history.
Ron and Mildred loved to travel. Family vacations included Disney Land, Yellowstone, Princeton BC Church Camp at Seabeck and many visits to beaches along the West Coast. Later trips included Mexico, Hawaii, the East Coast and Europe. As we got older, cruising was the best.
Ron was a loving, devoted husband and father. Wife Mildred, song Greg, daughter Valerie Wilson (Richard) Grandchildren Kassondra, Blake and Samantha Wilson, Meagan Mitchell (Don) and Crystal Botger (Johnathon) six great grandchildren.
We will sorely miss his humor, outgoingness and his love and care for all who knew him.