Thank you for joining us today to honor Armella, our mother, grandmother, sister, aunt and friend. Many of you have been a part of our mother’s life and it’s important to our family that you are able to share in remembering her.
Today is the day to celebrate her life. “Armie” as she was known to us, lived a full and rich life of 89 years. She was truly 89 years young. Young of heart, young of mind and young of spirit.
Armie had the patience of Job and was tested raising nine children for nearly 40 years. As if living with Angelo wasn’t enough of a challenge.
She prepared us for our daily endeavors with catch phrases such as “make it a good day”, or “offer everything you do today up to the Lord”, and “give of yourself”. These were her beliefs that she truly lived by each and every day. We proudly referred to her as the rock of Gibraltar.
She loved gardening, playing golf and bridge during her retirement years. She had endless energy for her twenty-five grandkids and loved spending time with them. They kept her young at heart and on her toes. Armie was the eternal optimist; she was quick with a smile and a laugh. How she loved to laugh. Her laugh was infectious and from her we get our sense of humor.
The richness of Armie’s life experiences, the love of family and the closeness of enduring personal friendships, hers was a life well lived. We all share in the legacy our mother left us.
She had the grace and charm of royalty, the intelligence and wisdom of a teacher. She was without a doubt the glue that kept our family together. She was magical. If you really want to know how fantastic Armie was, look at her children. Nine of the finest people you will want to meet. She did good.
Thank you for being here with us today to share in the celebration of a remarkable woman.