NW30 TS33 R3 W3
Supervisor: Ken and Lorraine Qualman Box Dundurn, SK, SOK 1KO
33449 Range Road 3040 RM of Dundurn, Saskatchewan S7C OE1
I (Kelly) Kelsey am so saddened to announce the passing of my father at the age of 85, Kenneth the youngest son of R. Qualman, born April 21, 1939 who attended the Pleasant Point Mennonite Church, in the RM of Dundurn, Saskatchewan SOK 1K0. Ken graduated from the University of Saskatchewan in Agriculture - Organic Purebred Charolais Beef (Chep Good Food) Grain/Alfalfa Hay/Hemp Farming through a government program - Active in Dundurn 4-H Beef Club, Hub Charolais and the Canadian Western Agribition Barn Boss for 10 years! Along with being a Pilot, which l never had the honor of flying with dad, however, mom says it was one of the most terrifying moments of her life, flying with her husband Ken Qualman. Mom and dad were married on June 21st 1969 - National Indigenous Peoples Day and on their 50th wedding anniversary they received their 50 years of Love certificate from the Queen Elizabeth II herself. For generations, many Indigenous groups and communities have celebrated their culture and heritage on June 21 because of the significance of the summer solstice as the longest day of the year. In 1996, the Governor General of Canada Romeo LeBlanc, announced June 21 to be National Aboriginal Day (now National Indigenous Peoples Day) through the Proclamation Declaring June 21 of Each Year as National Aboriginal Day.
Let us not forget about Shield's little Grocery Store that served the best chocolate ice cream, which later turned into one of the Top 10 Restaurants in the World - The Hole In the Wall Restaurant! - Across the road the famous Glass Blowing Shop.
In 2017 Ken Qualman received the Prestigious 100 Year Century Family Farm Award
The Qualman Family Farm
NE1/4 28-33-03 W 3rd
Established in 1917
The award recognizes 100 years or more of continuous farming operations in Saskatchewan. Ken is remembered by brother Lawrence, and 3 sisters Gerry, Viola and Verle.