pienso en cómo continuar sin tu presencia. Sin embargo, como testigos de tu
sufrimiento, tenemos que dejar que la fe en Dios nos fortalezca sabiendo que el te
da el alivio y descanso eterno que tanto mereces. Aunque no te vemos, ni te
tocamos, sabemos que estarás siempre en nuestros corazones, en los maravillosos
recuerdos del esposo, padre, hermano, abuelo y amigo que fuistes para todos.
Papi, you are finally resting after so many challenges with your health. Day by day
I think about how to continue without your presence. However, as witnesses to
your suffering, we have to let faith in God strengthen us knowing that he gives you
the relief and eternal rest that you so deserve. Although we do not see you, nor do
we touch you, we know that you will always be in our hearts, in the wonderful
memories of the husband, father, brother, grandfather and friend that you were for
all of us.
Luis is survived by his wife of 54 years, Chepita; two daughters, Claudia and Ada;
grandchildren, Edric, Anielka, Tyler and Kylie.