Sonya Parrott Smith passed away peacefully at her home in Sandy Springs on the evening of May 3rd, 2016. A Memorial Service will be held in honor of this accomplished woman’s life. Sonya’s last wish was a graveside service that would be held at the site where her husband, Garrett Jennings Smith was buried when he preceded her in death in 1999.
The Memorial Service will be held Monday, May 9, 2016 at Arlington Memorial Park, 201 Mount Vernon Highway, NW, Sandy Springs, Georgia 30328, (404)255-8511. All attendees are asked to assemble at the Park’s main entrance between 10:45 a.m. and 11:00 a.m. We will proceed after assembly in a procession to the gravesite. Reverend Ashley Fitzpatrick Jenkins will administer last rites for Mrs. Smith.
All attendees are invited to a reception following the Memorial Service at Dunwoody United Methodist Church, 1548 Mount Vernon Road, Dunwoody, Georgia 30338, (770) 394-0675. The United Methodist Women at Dunwoody United Methodist will host this reception with light refreshments and an opportunity to continue the celebration of Sonya’s life. In lieu of flowers for the service donations will be accepted to the P. E. O. Foundation which is a national society dedicated to provide financial assistance to women seeking postsecondary education opportunity through financial assistance. Donations may be presented at the reception or mailed to: P. E. O. Foundation, Executive Offices, 3700 Grand Avenue, Des Moines, Iowa 50312. Please note donations are in memory of Sonya P. Smith, a past President of the Atlanta Chapter of P. E. O.