Robert (“Bob”) Henry Turk passed away from Alzheimer’s on January 16, 2023, at the age of 89 in his home in San Jose, California. Born in Kansas City, Missouri, Bob and his parents relocated to San Jose in 1948, here Bob enrolled as a sophomore in Lincoln High School in Willow Glen. Two years later, while attending a school carnival with a friend, Bob met Sharon Alice Moore, who became his sweetheart, and who would eventually become his wife for 68 years. However, their love affair was put on hold while Bob served his country as an Air Force gunner aboard a B-29 in Japan from 1952 to 1956, after which, Bob and Sharon were married on December 16, 1956. A year later, their first son, David Robert Turk was born, followed by their second son, Douglas Edwin Turk, three and a half years later. An engineer by trade, Bob worked at Food Machinery Corporation, Lockheed Martin, and Stanford University early in his career, but eventually transitioned to human resource management and a long career with the City of San Jose that began in 1970. During his time at the City, Bob hired and trained many police officers, firefighters, and later managed personnel for the City’s Public Works Department and supported the expansion of San Jose Mineta International Airport. As an avid golfer, Bob could frequently be found at one of the Bay Area’s many golf courses, or at the local driving range practicing his drive shots. As a lover of the outdoors, Bob enjoyed camping along the Eastern High Sierra, where he honed his angling skills along the banks of the region’s pristine lakes and streams. Most of all, Bob loved spending time with his family, whether it was enjoying a summer bar-b-que together, playing with his granddaughters, or sitting around a campfire in the High Sierras. Bob is survived by his wife Sharon, sons Dave and Doug, and granddaughters Jennifer and Kaylin. A funeral service will be held on Friday, February 10, 2023 at 1:30 pm at Willow Glen Funeral Home.