Larry Hernandez, a World War II and Korean War Veteran, passed away peacefully in his home in San Jose, CA on October 3, 2020. Larry is survived by his wife, Rosie, four daughters, son-in-law, nine grandchildren, and nine great grandchildren. After being discharged, he pursued a career as a truck driver for 48 years, was a small business owner, Teamster union member, and part of The American Legion. He was a musician at heart, played guitar since childhood and established a band, “Las Notas de Plata”. His passion for music landed him a part in Linda Ronstadt’s musical video for her “Las Canciones de mi Padre” album in the late 80’s. Larry was known for his humor and his love for his family and friends. We were fortunate to have Larry in our lives to bless us with the warmest memories.