less sunny without his contagious optimism.
Jimmy T. Wong was born in Hong Kong but embraced being raised Chinese
American after his family immigrated to the U.S. when he was two years old.
Open, friendly, and warm, Jimmy made friends easily, but even more importantly,
he kept his friendships, many for decades.
His friend groups were numerous and varied, proof that Jimmy built community
wherever he went. They were friends from high school, from the University of
Southern CA, where he earned his undergraduate degree, from the Thunderbird
School of Global Studies, where he received his MBA, and from Citibank and
Wells Fargo, where he worked. His neighborhood, his gym, and his sons’ schools
and Boy Scout troop are all places where he connected and strengthened
relationships with people.
While he valued his friendships, family was where he prioritized his time and
attention. He hosted dinners and celebrations annually for his extended family
and took vacations and trips to see and spend time with relatives. His wife and
sons were the most important part of his life and he made sure he captured all
his time with them through photos, both big milestones and small moments.
He is survived by his wife Monica, his twin sons, Kayden and Logan, his parents
Sam and Christina, his sisters Susanna Wong Ordway and Amy Wong