Genevieve M. (Smith) Kelley was born in Rapid City, South Dakota
on December 30, 1924 to Jack and Anna Smith.
She entered the eternal glory of heaven on January 28, 2021. She moved to
California with her family when she was 15 years old and graduated from
San Jose High School in 1943. She was married to Edward R. Kelley on July 13, 1944 and she and Eddie had three children. They were married for 66 years on their last anniversary together in 2011.
The most important aspect of Gennie's life was that she dedicated her life to her Lord Jesus Christ in 1953. She prayed for family and friends each day
from her prayer list which she kept with her Bible on the kitchen table.
Gennie is now face-to-face in the presence of our Lord Jesus Christ.