Gene lived 86 years of life. He is one of nine children born in Illinois. The day Gene was born, his parents agreed they would name him after the boxer who won the Tunney -vs- Dempsey fight; that is how Gene got his name. Gene lived a life of integrity, compassion, and found joy in helping others. He joined the U.S. Navy in 1944 where he served on the U.S. Lexington in WWII. After nearly four years of service with the Navy, Gene then joined the U.S. Army and served for 13 years during the Korean War; he was based in the U.S., Germany and Korea.
After his Military service, Gene settled in the Bay Area where he then began work assisting the elderly at the Saratoga Retirement Community; it was there that he met the love of his life, Marian. They married in 1968 and started their family in 1969 when their son, Robert, was born.
Gene then started his 26 year career as a Mechanic. He took great pride with the quality of his workmanship and was a very detailed and meticulous craftsman; he ensured that every part of his work was articulate and tended to. Gene eventually retired from Santa Clara County/GSA Fleet at the age of 68.
He was a passionate and jovial man who loved to laugh, loved the outdoors, walking, hunting, fishing, gardening, reading biography's of famous old time athletes and most of all, he loved his family. He is survived by his wife, Marian DeLong, son Robert DeLong, daughter-in-law, Christina DeLong, sister and brother-in-law, Kay and Bob Rogers.