Enrique Ramírez Barba falleció rodeado de su familia. Enrique fue un buen esposo, padre, abuelo y amigo de todos los que lo conocieron. Enrique nació en Tepatitlán, Jalisco, México, el 15 de julio de 1948, de padres amorosos, Teófilo Ramírez y Victoriana Barba. Enrique se mudó a San José, California, a los 20 años y trabajó como carnicero durante 40 años para Race Street Fish & Poultry. Era un católico fiel que valoraba a su familia. Tuvo tres hijas y tres hijos, 10 nietos y 5 bisnietos. Le encantaban los autos antiguos y tenía un Cadillac Deville Coupe de 1955.
Le precedieron en la muerte su madre Victoriana y su hermana Elisa. A Enrique le sobreviven su esposa Yolanda(casados por 35 años), su hija Lorena, su hija Laura y su esposo, Fernando García, su hijo Jorge Villafuerte y su esposa Elaine, su hijo Daniel Villafuerte y su esposa Colleen, su hijo Saúl Ramírez y su hija Melissa y su esposo, Gustavo González. También le sobreviven sus nietos - Jasmine, Claudia, Raul, Cindy, Michael, Damian, Mateo, Julian, Christian y Jorge Jr. y sus bisnietos José, Aria, Ramses, Aaron e Isaac. También le sobreviven su padre Teófilo Ramírez y sus hermanos Antonio, Carmen, Jesús, Gregorio, Ambrocio y Martin y muchas personas que tocó a lo largo de su vida.
Enrique Ramirez Barba passed away surrounded by his family. Enrique was a good husband, father, grandfather and friend to all of those who knew him. Enrique was born in Tepatitlan, Jalisco, Mexico on July 15, 1948, to loving parents Teofilo Ramirez and Victoriana Barba. Enrique moved to San Jose, California in his early 20’s and worked as a butcher for 40 years for Race Street Fish & Poultry. He was a faithful Catholic that valued family. He had three daughters and three sons, 10 grandchildren, and 5 great grandchildren. He loved antique cars and owned a 1955 Cadillac Deville Coupe.
He is preceded in death by his mother Victoriana and sister Elisa. Enrique is survived by his wife of 35 years, Yolanda, his daughter Lorena, his daughter Laura and husband, Fernando Garcia, his son Jorge Villafuerte and wife Elaine, his son Daniel Villafuerte and wife, Colleen, his son Saul Ramirez, and his daughter Melissa and husband, Gustavo Gonzalez. He is also survived by his grandchildren Jasmine, Claudia, Raul, Cindy, Michael, Damian, Mateo, Julian, Christian, and Jorge Jr. and his great grandchildren Jose, Aria, Ramses, Aaron, and Isaac. He is also survived by his father, Teofilo Ramirez and siblings Antonio, Carmen, Jesus, Gregorio, Ambrocio, and Martin and endless number of people he touched throughout his life.