Everyone’s life is the sum total of all of the people they have met, the things they have done, the places they have gone. Rose Cresci was no exception. She was a loved one, a friend, and someone special. To family and friends who knew her best, Rose will be remembered as a very exceptional person. She first greeted the world San Diego, California at Mercy Hospital. Her parents' names were Julia and Emilio Giolzetti. Growing up for Rose was an involving experience. It allowed her to learn and grow and create all kinds of memories.
A lot of what shaped Rose’s life was how she was raised. She was raised with two siblings. Two younger brothers Louis and Angelo Giolzetti. Rose was usually involved in all sorts of activities with her siblings. She and her siblings experienced the typical rivalries of a growing family, but they shared many life experiences over the years.
As a young girl, Rose had a number of interests. She was curious about the world around her and was often eager to explore it. Rose was an active child who enjoyed a number of different activities, including jacks, piano, prankster.
In school, Rose learned many things and made many friends. Rose managed to accomplish many things as a child, both in and out of the classroom. However, to Rose, the most fun to be had was simply playing and spending time with her friends. Rose also went on some family trips occasionally during her childhood. In all, Rose grew up surrounded by family and friends who cared about her very much.
After high school, she attended some college. How someone reacts to the freedom and responsibility shows a great deal about their character and the person they will become. She also managed to do some traveling during breaks. Falling in love is a huge milestone for any person. Just knowing that you have met that special someone is a magical feeling. Rose experienced that with Salvatore Cresci. Rose exchanged wedding vows with Sal on October 20, 1942. Rose and Sal were married at Our Lady of the Rosary in San Diego, California. After the wedding, the couple enjoyed their first few days together as husband and wife during their honeymoon. Empathic and loyal, Rose was committed to making her new family happy. It can be said that you can tell a lot about a person by their friends. So it's little wonder that she took an active role in her neighborhood and community.
While everything a person does in life contributes to who they grow into, it is ultimately this same person who holds the most influence on the next generation. Rose worked hard to be a good mother to her children and she did her best to fulfill their needs. Rose was blessed with three children, Tom Cresci, Francine Morrison and Dino Cresci. She worked hard toward raising her children in a positive and nurturing environment.
Rose enjoyed traveling and time away on vacations. It was a chance for her to renew and relax, to visit new places and experience new things.
Rose’s children also enjoyed the company of the family pets, Clarence a Saint Bernard.
Later on, Rose was blessed with the gift of six grandchildren, Jennifer Morrison Nesovic, David Morrison, Nicholas Valenzuela, Natalie Valenzuela, Gaetano Anthony Cresci, and Alexandra Dickson.
Rose’s primary occupation was a homemaker.
A person's hobbies often mirror who they have become. Rose enjoyed her leisure time by taking part in a number of different activities, including dancing, bowling, reading, her roses and playing cards. Rose had many friends. So many that not all could be mentioned. She was usually willing to share her interests with others.
She enjoyed things like Lady bugs, pigs, collecting clowns, bird house.
A person’s faith says a great deal about them. Some people are raised with strong beliefs while others garner them throughout their life. Rose’s faith was important to her. Catholic. Prayed every night and lighting of the candle.
Rose Cresci left us on March 20, 2011. She passed away at home. The cause of death was kidney failure. She was preceded in death by her husband Salvatore Cresci, her children Tome Cresci, Francine Morrison and Dino Cresci. Grandchildren Jennifer Morrison Nesovic, David Morrison, Nicholas Valenzuela, Natalie Valenzuela, Gaetano Anthony Cresci, and Alexandra Dickson. Services were handled by Merkley-Mitchell Mortuary. Rose was laid to rest at Greenwood Memorial Park.
So this is Rose’s life, the sum of the woman that she became. Simply stated, Rose was a good and kind person, an individual who will for all time be remembered by her family and friends as being caring and giving, someone who was a vital part of their lives. Rose leaves behind her a legacy of lifelong friendships and many cherished memories. Everyone whose life Rose Cresci touched will always remember her with a smile.