Gerald Miller, beloved husband and loving father, passed away peacefully at his home surrounded by his family on May 6, 2021, after a long illness. At Jerry's side were his devoted wife Elizabeth and his eight children, who will continue his legacy of living life to the fullest, embracing faith and family above all else. A devout Catholic, Jerry was ordained a Deacon in the Catholic Church. He joyfully served the church communities of Orange County, California, and Grant County, New Mexico. Jerry and Elizabeth raised their eight children in Southern California, and then retired to Silver City, New Mexico, where they embraced its natural beauty, history, art, and welcoming community. Jerry was proud to serve his country in the U.S. Marine Corps and is a Korean War Veteran. He served honorably in the Marines, receiving the rank of Major. He earned his B.A. from Georgetown University's School of Foreign Service and earned his M.B.A. from American University. Jerry enjoyed a full and interesting life, including a career that started with the World Health Organization in South America; careers in international business; as the Administrator for a non-profit foundation to feed the World's hungry; and as a cattle rancher where he loved the wide-open plains of the West. He later served as Administrator at the historic Mission San Juan Capistrano for twelve years, until he and Elizabeth retired to New Mexico. Inspired by the New Mexican desert landscape and culture, Jerry's love for painting came to life. His family is thrilled that they have many beautiful pieces painted by their Dad and Grandad. Jerry is survived by his wife of 54 years, Elizabeth, his children Mark, Mary Kate, Emily, Hilary, Carolyn, Colin, Barbara and Derek, twenty grandchildren, one great-grandson, three sisters and several nieces and nephews. He was preceded in death by his first wife Marjorie, son Matthew, and daughter Erin in 1964. Funeral Liturgy Mass, "Celebration of Life" will be held at 11:00 am on Monday, July 26, 2021, at Good Shepherd Catholic Church (8200 Gold Coast Drive, San Diego, CA). Following will be a Military Honors Committal Service promptly at 1:30 pm at Miramar National Cemetery (5795 Nobel Drive, San Diego, CA). **Please note that check in for this ceremony begins at 1:00 pm**. In lieu of flowers, we invite you to donate to the Wounded Warriors Project, "In Memory of Gerald Miller" at: .