Mr. A. John was born as the youngest of five sons to a pious Christian couple Reverend A.G. Varghese of the Mar Thoma Syrian Church and Rachel Varghese. Mr. John, lovingly called “Johnnykutty” was a man greatly loved and cherished by many for his compassionate and loving heart. Though born in Kerala, India, he spent a major part of his life in Mumbai, working and raising his family. He found his dear wife Grace (a credentialed school teacher) while in his twenties, and they started their sweet journey together. They are blessed with two daughters Aju and Bindu along with five grandchildren. Aju and her husband Prof. George Varghese reside in Los Angeles with their two children Tim and Andrew, while Bindu and her husband Dr. Thomas Philip live in San Diego with their 3 children Shalomi, Charissa and Jayden.
John and his beloved wife Gracy moved to the United States after retiring from his services at Food Corporation of India, to be closer to their children and grandchildren. Post retirement, they pursued a job in the US so as to lead a godly, independent life using the gifts and talents that were bestowed to them. He worked as a counselor and mentor among the developmentally challenged students at an organization called Options for All in Poway, California. He worked all the way to the end of his life finding great pleasure in what he did. Then came the call from the good Lord to take him back to his eternal abode. He spent the last few days surrounded by his dear family at the home of his daughter in San Diego, having finished his race- STRONG!
“I have finished the race. I have kept the faith. Henceforth there is laid up for me a crown of righteousness, which the Lord, the righteous judge shall give me at that day, and not only to me, but unto all them also that love his appearing”. 2Tim 4:7-8