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Kathleen Molpus and husband MorrisDaughter

Cynthia Beckworth and husband DavidDaughter

David Bryan and wife VictoriaSon

Susan WhiteDaughter

Jennifer Meers, Bryan Molpus and Emily FuentesGrandchildren

Meghan (Mark)Garcia, Alicia Seaton, Jana (John) DexterGrandchildren

Benjamin(Rachel) Beckworth, and Isaac (Kellee) BeckworthGrandchildren

Tiegan (Garrett) Bradley and Matthew (Rachel) SanchezGrandchildren

Zoey, Jackson and Judson FuentesGreat-Grandchildren

Isabella, Mark Jr. and Daniel GarciaGreat-Grandchildren

Eliana and Titus DexterGreat-GrandchildrenEliana

Byrom and Wyatt BeckworthGreat-Grandchildren

Lilia Martin, Ava and Owen SanchezGreat-Grandchildren

Violet BradleyGreat Grandchild

Lois ArwineSister

Alan HakesBrother

Past Services

Saturday,December 07, 2019

Memorial Service