Beloved husband, father and friend to all, James Ray Dominguez has left this life and has returned to be with his Father in heaven this July 19, 2012 at the age of 41. James’ energy, love and dedication were cast upon all who knew him. His love for family was only matched by his love for God and duty to his country. He gave his life standing up for all he believed. He is survived by his wife, Maria Victoria Dominguez, children; Sylvia Patricia Dominguez, Jacqueline Lissette Dominguez, James Michael Dominguez, Lauren Isabel Dominguez, parents; Carlos Dominguez, Sr. and Sylvia Dominguez, brother Carlos Dominguez, Jr., sister Rosanna Dominguez, one niece, two nephews, and many other cherished family members. Visitation will be at Funeraria Del Angel Roy Akers on Tuesday, July 24, 2012 from 3:00pm to 9:00pm with a Prayer Service at 7:00pm. The funeral procession will depart at 9:15am on Wednesday, July 25, 2012 for a 10:00am Funeral Service at The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints Chapel (Adams Hill Building). The Interment will follow at Cordi Marian Resurrection Cemetery.