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Randolph RoachPaternal Father (deceased)

Avo Nelson SwindleMother (deceased)

J.B. SwindleAdopted Father (deceased)

Francis SwindleStep Mother (deceased)

Donna SwindleWife

Tamara Trail and husband JustinDaughter

Susan Rose and husband GaryDaughter

Kaylynn RoseGranddaughter

Hannah TrailGrandaughter

Robyn TrailGrandaughter

Charli TrailGrandaughter

Landon RoseGrandson

Marlene KeatonSister

Darlene ConwaySister-in-law

Numerous Nieces, Nephews and Cousins and many dear friends


Larry Edgington

Mickey Phillips

Charlie Smith

Gary Sturgill

Rocky Stone

Robert Dillard

Ronnie BrutonHonorary

McAllan WestHonorary

D.Y. ColeHonorary

Dr. Rick WilliamsHonorary

Past Services

Friday,January 10, 2020


Saturday,January 11, 2020

Celebration of Life