Mary Alberta Hargrove, known by her friends as "Berta," and known by many children as "Grandma Berta," passed away January 17th, 2017, at Lancaster Village. Berta was born in Trinidad, CO, December 2nd, 1922. She graduated from Colorado State University with a Master's Degree in Food Sciences in 1967. She taught for 37 years at Roy J. Wasson High School in Colorado Springs. After retiring in 1982, Berta moved to Salem, OR, where she volunteered in Salem-Keizer School District into her late 80s. She also was a master food preserver for Oregon State University Extension Services. She will be remembered as a dedicated teacher and a mentor to many children. Berta will be laid to rest in the Myers family plot in Trinidad, CO.
At her request, there will be no service or memorial. Any donation in her honor should be made to your local school.