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Harold V. FishFather (deceased)

Laura Adeline (Day) FishMother (deceased)

Eugene PuiiaHusband (deceased)

Dorothy "Dolly" Colton & Companion John RossDaughter

Larry Puiia & Wife MarcelleSon

Wayne PuiiaSon

Barry Puiia & Wife BernadetteSon

Gregory Puiia & Wife PamelaSon

Megan, Nicole, Brittany, Samantha, Cory, Jimmy, Cheryl, Paul & Wife Shannon, and Heidi and Husband Matt, Dr. Adam Puiia and Wife AllisonGrandchildren

Maya, Elissia, Christian and KatieGreat Grandchildren

Nieces & NephewsMany

Dorothy PalmerSister (deceased)


Resident's Activity Fund Rumford Community Home11 John F. Kennedy Lane, Rumford, Maine 04276

Past Services

Tuesday,November 20, 2018

Mass of Christian Burial