Norval Gilbertson, age 88, passed away on September 8, 2023, in Johns Creek, GA. He was born on July 4, 1935, in Decorah, Iowa. His parents, Grace (Engan) and Norman Gilbertson lived and worked in this farming community surrounded by many relatives who also raised their families in this small community. Norval and his sister, Lorraine, were brought up as strong Christians in the Lutheran faith.
Norval’s family attended Madison Lutheran Church where his parents, grandparents, and several other relatives are buried. Norval was an excellent student, musician, and athlete participating in school sports such as basketball. He also played bugle in the Drum and Bugle Corps and tuba in his school band. As a patriot who loved his country and respected the sacrifice that Veterans made, at a young age he volunteered to play TAPS at Veteran funerals. After graduating from high school, he served as a United States Marine Corps from 1955-1959, where he learned the technical skills that would lead to his career with International Business Machines (IBM), a small but growing company that would, during his tenure at IBM, become a world leader in Information Technology.
Norval was a man of high intelligence, integrity and moral courage, traits that allowed him to excel at IBM, but also served as a role model for his children who learned the value of hard work, honesty, and trust. During his professional career at IBM, Norval advanced rapidly from hardware repairman to senior management positions that included assignments in Kansas City Missouri, Sioux City Iowa, New York City, Kingston New York, Minneapolis Minnesota, and Atlanta Georgia. He also had several important overseas assignments serving in management roles in Beijing China and Tokyo Japan.
Norval was married to Mary (Fahmie) Gilbertson and together they had five children, Lorraine, David, James, Daryl and Daniel. As a father, Norval was strict but fair. He always supported his children in their life decisions and was always there to provide advice and assistance. He was devastated when he lost his only daughter, Lorraine, but he remained strong and was able to help guide his family through this tragic loss. His love for his children and their families continued until the day he passed away.
Norval enjoyed sports, including softball, bowling, tennis, and golf. He took an active role in his children’s activities, including coaching boys’ hockey and baseball teams. He also hosted bridge nights in their home and enjoyed dancing.
After retiring in 1989, he moved to Pueblo Colorado. There he mastered the art of ballroom dancing (Foxtrot, Waltz, Quickstep and Cha Cha). He continued to stay close to his children, grandchildren, and great grandchildren, never forgetting a wedding anniversary or a birthday. He enjoyed visiting the family on holidays and special events. He will always be remembered by those who loved him as a loving man who always put his family first.
Norval is preceded in death by his parents, Norman Casper and Grace Belinda Gilbertson, and his daughter, Lorraine Lynn Gilbertson. He is survived by the mother of his children, Mary Gilbertson; sister, Lorraine (Lori) Dahl; sons David (Nancy), James (Yuko), Daryl (Julissa), Daniel; grandchildren, Brad, Brian, Nicholas, Zachary, Mia, Akira, Joshua, Jonathan, Jacqueline; and great grandchildren, Peyton, London and Sayler.