Amber Elizabeth Sanchez (Adams), a dedicated wife and mother whose love and compassion was boundless and felt deeply by everyone she touched, transitioned from this world on Sunday, November 21, after a brief but intense battle with breast cancer. Determined to shelter her many loved ones from suffering and continue to celebrate every remaining moment, she found the strength to meet this challenge silently and selflessly through the love of her husband, Matt, and the liveliness of her daughters, Olivia, Lucy, and Sloane.
Born on January 19, 1985, Amber has always had a special gift for making those around her feel appreciated and loved. From her early childhood in Washington, Georgia, her days as a cheerleader and active Tri Delta sister at the University of West Georgia, falling for the love of her life and marrying in 2011, then bringing three beautiful girls into the world and giving herself fully to raising them, she approached life with thoughtfulness, generosity, and a playfulness that earned her many lifelong friends as she traveled through this world. Amber freely shared her passion, energy, and creativity with all who asked, dedicating her time to making the world a happier and more beautiful place. She had a natural gift for healing and graciously shared her knowledge of holistic and healthy living to ensure those close to her lived their best life.
Amber will live forever in the hearts of her husband, Matt Sanchez, and daughters Olivia, Lucy, and Sloane; parents Angie & Dennis Echols and Stephen Adams; siblings Matthew Echols, Cliff Echols, Camille Echols, Stephen Adams, and Stephanie Adams; grandparents Sandra & David Adams and Thomas Fanning; as well as many nieces and nephews, beloved in-laws, and numerous extended family members and friends.
A memorial service for Amber will be held Wednesday, November 24, 2021, from 11:00 AM to 12:00 PM at Roswell Funeral Home (950 Mansell Road, Roswell, Georgia 30076).
Fond memories and expressions of sympathy for the Sanchez family may be shared at
The family welcomes floral arrangements and are accepting meals through
A memorial fund has been set up for the continuous comfort and care of her daughters at