Victor Hayes Patkowski, a cherished individual known for his kind, loving, patriotic, and faithful personality, left us on September 14th, 2024. Born on July 1st, 1945 to Gladys and Max, Victor lived a life overcoming the odds and selfless service towards others.
He is survived by his wife, Ruth, and his children, Eric, Myron, Shauna and Krystyna, their spouses Malena, La Vada and Eric, and seven grandchildren: Avery, Audriana, Abigail, Isabella, Natalia, Aleric and Blayne, whose lives were greatly enriched by Vic’s presence. His departure leaves an unfillable void, yet they find comfort in the memories, the love they shared, and the hope to see him again in Heaven.
As a young man, Victor enlisted in the US Army and proudly served in Vietnam. He was gravely wounded in combat but miraculously survived and earned the Purple Heart. After the war, Victor attended the University of Oklahoma, where he studied Industrial Engineering and ultimately earned a Master’s degree. He continued to serve his country as a civilian with the US Air Force for 31 more years. Even with injuries sustained in combat, cancer, and countless infections, he was a shining example of how to think of others while exceeding all expectations to soldier on.
Victor Patkowski will forever reside in our hearts. His legacy, exemplified by his service as a soldier, his profession as an engineer, his position as a husband, father, grandfather and most of all as a servant of the Lord, will continue to inspire and guide us to fight the good fight.
As we grapple with the loss of his physical presence, we find solace in knowing that his spirit lives on in victory over the grave through our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.
In lieu of flowers please follow the donations link to support a ministry important to Victor called the Promise Keepers.